Is it Correct to Create a New Instance of SQLAlchemy Engine for Each Request?
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Is it Correct to Create a New Instance of SQLAlchemy Engine for Each Request?

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Are you wondering whether creating a new instance of SQLAlchemy engine for each request is the right approach? Well, you’re in the right place! In this article, we’ll delve into the world of SQLAlchemy, a popular Python SQL toolkit, and explore the best practices for creating engine instances. So, buckle up and let’s dive in!

What is SQLAlchemy Engine?

Before we dive into the main topic, let’s quickly cover the basics. SQLAlchemy Engine is the core component of the SQLAlchemy library that interacts with the database. It’s responsible for managing connections, transactions, and SQL execution. Think of it as a middleware between your Python application and the database.

Why Do We Need to Create an Engine Instance?

To use SQLAlchemy, you need to create an engine instance, which represents a single database connection or a pool of connections. This instance is then used to execute SQL statements, fetch data, and perform other database operations.

The Question: Creating a New Engine Instance for Each Request?

Now, let’s get to the meat of the matter. Is it correct to create a new instance of SQLAlchemy engine for each request? The short answer is: it depends.

Pros of Creating a New Engine Instance for Each Request

  • Easy to implement**: Creating a new engine instance for each request is straightforward. You simply create a new instance whenever a request is received, and dispose of it when the request is processed.
  • Simple error handling**: If an error occurs during a request, creating a new engine instance for each request ensures that the error is isolated and doesn’t affect other requests.

Cons of Creating a New Engine Instance for Each Request

  • Performance overhead**: Creating a new engine instance for each request can be expensive, especially if you’re dealing with a high-traffic application. This can lead to increased latency and decreased performance.
  • Resource intensive**: Creating a new engine instance requires resources, such as memory and connections to the database. If you’re creating a new instance for each request, you may exhaust these resources quickly.

Best Practices for Creating Engine Instances

So, what’s the best approach? Here are some best practices to follow:

1. Create a Singleton Engine Instance

Create a single engine instance that’s shared across your application. This approach reduces the overhead of creating a new instance for each request and improves performance.

from sqlalchemy import create_engine

engine = create_engine('postgresql://user:password@host/dbname')

def get_engine():
    return engine

2. Use a Thread-Local Engine Instance

In a multithreaded environment, create a thread-local engine instance to ensure that each thread has its own instance. This approach prevents threads from interfering with each other’s database operations.

from sqlalchemy import create_engine
from threading import local

thread_local = local()

def get_engine():
    if not hasattr(thread_local, 'engine'):
        thread_local.engine = create_engine('postgresql://user:password@host/dbname')
    return thread_local.engine

3. Use a Connection Pool

Use a connection pool to manage connections to the database. This approach reduces the overhead of creating a new connection for each request and improves performance.

from sqlalchemy import create_engine
from sqlalchemy.pool import QueuePool

engine = create_engine('postgresql://user:password@host/dbname', pool_size=20, max_overflow=10, poolclass=QueuePool)

When to Create a New Engine Instance

There are scenarios where creating a new engine instance for each request is justified:

  • Testing**: During testing, creating a new engine instance for each test ensures that each test runs in isolation and doesn’t affect other tests.
  • Debugging**: When debugging issues, creating a new engine instance can help identify problems specific to a particular request.
  • Specialized requests**: If you have specialized requests that require a custom engine configuration, creating a new instance for each request may be necessary.


In conclusion, creating a new instance of SQLAlchemy engine for each request is not always the best approach. Instead, follow best practices such as creating a singleton engine instance, using a thread-local engine instance, or using a connection pool. By doing so, you’ll ensure improved performance, reduced overhead, and better resource management.

Additional Resources

For more information on SQLAlchemy and engine instances, check out these resources:

Approach Pros Cons
Create a new engine instance for each request Easy to implement, simple error handling Performance overhead, resource intensive
Create a singleton engine instance Improved performance, reduced overhead May not be suitable for multithreaded environments
Use a thread-local engine instance Suitable for multithreaded environments, improved performance May require additional complexity
Use a connection pool Improved performance, reduced overhead, suitable for high-traffic applications May require additional configuration

Frequently Asked Question

Are you wondering about the best practices for using SQLAlchemy engines in your application?

Is it correct to create a new instance of a SQLAlchemy engine for each request?

No, it’s not recommended to create a new instance of a SQLAlchemy engine for each request. This approach can lead to performance issues and increased memory usage, as each engine instance requires a separate database connection. Instead, create a single engine instance per application and reuse it across requests.

Why does creating a new engine instance per request lead to performance issues?

Creating a new engine instance per request results in multiple database connections being established and torn down for each request, which can lead to increased latency, connection pooling issues, and unnecessary overhead. This can significantly impact the performance and scalability of your application.

How can I reuse a SQLAlchemy engine instance across requests?

You can reuse a SQLAlchemy engine instance by creating it once during application initialization and storing it in a global scope or a singleton object. Then, import and use the same engine instance across your application’s requests.

What are the benefits of reusing a SQLAlchemy engine instance?

Reusing a SQLAlchemy engine instance provides several benefits, including improved performance, reduced memory usage, and better connection pooling. This approach also helps to minimize the number of database connections and reduces the overhead of creating and closing connections.

Are there any scenarios where creating a new engine instance per request makes sense?

While reusing an engine instance is generally recommended, there might be specific scenarios where creating a new engine instance per request is necessary, such as when working with multiple databases or when using a connection-less database driver. However, these cases are rare, and reusing an engine instance is usually the best approach.