Split User name from one field to two fields in HIVE: A Step-by-Step Guide
Image by Cuhtahlatah - hkhazo.biz.id

Split User name from one field to two fields in HIVE: A Step-by-Step Guide

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Are you tired of dealing with concatenated user names in your HIVE database? Do you find it cumbersome to work with a single field that contains both first and last names? Fear not, dear reader! In this article, we’ll show you how to split user names from one field to two fields in HIVE, making your life as a data analyst or scientist a whole lot easier.

Why Split User Names?

There are several reasons why you’d want to split user names from one field to two fields in HIVE:

  • Data Accuracy**: When user names are concatenated, it’s easy to introduce errors or inconsistencies. By splitting them into separate fields, you can ensure data accuracy and consistency.
  • Data Analysis**: Splitting user names makes it easier to perform data analysis, such as aggregating data by first name or last name, or creating reports based on individual names.
  • Data Visualization**: With separate fields for first and last names, you can create more informative and visually appealing reports and dashboards.
  • Data Integration**: Splitting user names makes it easier to integrate data from different sources, where names may be stored in different formats.

Splitting User Names using HIVE

HIVE provides several ways to split user names from one field to two fields. We’ll explore the most common methods, including:

Using the `split` Function

The `split` function is a built-in HIVE function that splits a string into multiple parts based on a specified separator. To split user names, you can use the following syntax:

  split(username, ' ')[0] AS firstname, 
  split(username, ' ')[1] AS lastname 

This will split the `username` field into two parts, using a space as the separator. The first part will be assigned to the `firstname` field, and the second part to the `lastname` field.

Using Regular Expressions

Regular expressions (regex) offer a more flexible way to split user names. You can use the ` regexp_extract` function to extract the first and last names:

  regexp_extract(username, '([^\\s]+)\\s*([^\\s]+)', 1) AS firstname, 
  regexp_extract(username, '([^\\s]+)\\s*([^\\s]+)', 2) AS lastname 

This regex pattern matches one or more characters that are not spaces (`[^\\s]+`) followed by zero or more spaces (`\\s*`) and then captures the first and last names using groups (1) and (2), respectively.

Using a User-Defined Function (UDF)

If you need more complex logic or want to reuse the splitting functionality, you can create a UDF in HIVE:

CREATE TEMPORARY FUNCTION split_username AS 'com.example.SplitUsername';

  split_username(username) AS (firstname, lastname) 

This UDF takes the `username` field as input and returns a struct with two fields: `firstname` and `lastname`. You’ll need to implement the UDF logic in a Java class, which we won’t cover in this article.

Handling Edge Cases

When splitting user names, you may encounter edge cases that require special handling:

Multiple Spaces

If your user names contain multiple spaces, the `split` function or regex patterns may not work as expected. To handle this, you can use the `trim` function to remove excess spaces:

  trim(split(username, ' ')[0]) AS firstname, 
  trim(split(username, ' ')[1]) AS lastname 

Non-Standard Separator

What if your user names use a different separator, such as a comma or underscore? You can modify the `split` function or regex pattern to accommodate this:

  split(username, ',')[0] AS firstname, 
  split(username, ',')[1] AS lastname 

Missing or Empty Fields

If you encounter missing or empty fields, you can use the `COALESCE` function to provide a default value:

  COALESCE(split(username, ' ')[0], 'Unknown') AS firstname, 
  COALESCE(split(username, ' ')[1], 'Unknown') AS lastname 

Best Practices

When splitting user names in HIVE, keep the following best practices in mind:

  1. Test and Validate**: Test your splitting logic with a sample dataset to ensure it works correctly and validate the results.
  2. Handle Edge Cases**: Anticipate and handle edge cases, such as multiple spaces, non-standard separators, or missing fields.
  3. Use Consistent Naming Conventions**: Use consistent naming conventions for your columns and UDFs to avoid confusion and make your code more readable.
  4. Document Your Code**: Document your code with comments and explanations to help others understand how the splitting logic works.


Splitting user names from one field to two fields in HIVE is a straightforward process that can greatly improve your data analysis and visualization capabilities. By following the methods and best practices outlined in this article, you’ll be able to create more accurate, consistent, and informative datasets.

Method Description
`split` Function Uses a built-in HIVE function to split a string into multiple parts based on a separator.
Regular Expressions Uses regex patterns to extract the first and last names from a concatenated string.
User-Defined Function (UDF) Creates a custom function to split user names, allowing for more complex logic and reuse.

We hope this article has helped you master the art of splitting user names in HIVE. Happy querying!

Frequently Asked Question

Splitting a username from one field to two fields in Hive can be a bit tricky, but don’t worry, we’ve got you covered!

How do I split a username from one field to two fields in Hive?

You can use the `split` function in Hive to divide the username into two separate columns. For example, if you have a column called `username` with values like ‘john.doe’, you can use the following query: `SELECT split(username, ‘\\.’)[0] as first_name, split(username, ‘\\.’)[1] as last_name FROM your_table;` This will give you two separate columns, `first_name` and `last_name`, with the corresponding values.

What if my username has more than two parts separated by dots?

If your username has more than two parts separated by dots, you can use the `split` function with an array index to extract the desired parts. For example, if your username is ‘john.doe.jr’, you can use the following query: `SELECT split(username, ‘\\.’)[0] as first_name, split(username, ‘\\.’)[1] as middle_name, split(username, ‘\\.’)[2] as last_name FROM your_table;` This will give you three separate columns, `first_name`, `middle_name`, and `last_name`, with the corresponding values.

Can I use regular expressions to split the username?

Yes, you can use regular expressions to split the username in Hive. For example, you can use the `regexp_extract` function to extract the first and last names from the username. Here’s an example: `SELECT regexp_extract(username, ‘^(.*)\\.(.*)$’, 1) as first_name, regexp_extract(username, ‘^(.*)\\.(.*)$’, 2) as last_name FROM your_table;` This will give you two separate columns, `first_name` and `last_name`, with the corresponding values.

What if I want to split the username into multiple columns, but the number of parts is not fixed?

If the number of parts in the username is not fixed, you can use the `lateral view` and `explode` functions in Hive to split the username into multiple columns. Here’s an example: `SELECT pos, val FROM your_table LATERAL VIEW explode(split(username, ‘\\.’)) my_table AS pos, val;` This will give you a table with two columns, `pos` and `val`, where `pos` is the position of the part in the username and `val` is the value of the part.

Can I use Hive’s built-in functions to split the username?

Yes, Hive has a built-in function called `split_part` that you can use to split the username into multiple columns. Here’s an example: `SELECT split_part(username, ‘.’, 1) as first_name, split_part(username, ‘.’, 2) as last_name FROM your_table;` This will give you two separate columns, `first_name` and `last_name`, with the corresponding values.

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