Expression Trees: The Surprising Consequences of Invoking Lambda During a Loop
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Expression Trees: The Surprising Consequences of Invoking Lambda During a Loop

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When working with expression trees, a common pitfall can lead to variable leaking, causing unexpected behavior and bugs. This article will delve into the world of expression trees, lambda expressions, and loops, revealing the surprising consequences of invoking lambda during a loop and providing clear instructions on how to avoid this issue.

What are Expression Trees?

Expression trees are a powerful feature in .NET that allows you to represent code as data. They enable you to build, modify, and execute code at runtime, making them a popular choice for dynamic data processing and querying. Expression trees are created using lambda expressions, which are essentially anonymous functions that can be compiled and executed at runtime.

int x = 5;
Expression> expression = () => x;
var result = expression.Compile()(); // Output: 5

The Problem: Invoking Lambda During a Loop

When invoking a lambda expression during a loop, you might expect the lambda to capture the current loop variable’s value. However, due to the way lambda expressions are implemented, this is not the case. Instead, the lambda captures the variable itself, not its value, leading to unexpected behavior and variable leaking.

var expressions = new List>>();
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
    expressions.Add(() => i);

foreach (var expression in expressions)
    Console.WriteLine(expression.Compile()()); // Output: 5, 5, 5, 5, 5

In the above example, you might expect the output to be 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, but instead, it’s 5, 5, 5, 5, 5. This is because the lambda expressions capture the loop variable `i`, not its value, and by the time the lambda is invoked, the loop has already completed, and `i` has a value of 5.

Why Does This Happen?

The reason for this behavior lies in how lambda expressions are implemented. When you create a lambda expression, the C# compiler generates a closure class that captures the variables used in the lambda. This closure class is then used to create a delegate that represents the lambda expression.

class Closure
    public int i;

    public int Lambda()
        return i;

Closure closure = new Closure();
closure.i = 5;
Func lambda = closure.Lambda; // equivalent to () => i;

In the above example, the closure class captures the `i` variable, and the lambda expression is equivalent to `() => i;`. When you invoke the lambda, it returns the current value of `i`, which is 5.

How to Avoid Variable Leaking

To avoid variable leaking when invoking lambda during a loop, you need to capture the current value of the loop variable within the loop. One way to do this is by using a local variable to capture the value:

var expressions = new List>>();
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
    int local = i; // capture the current value
    expressions.Add(() => local);

foreach (var expression in expressions)
    Console.WriteLine(expression.Compile()()); // Output: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4

By using a local variable, you ensure that each lambda expression captures a separate value, avoiding variable leaking.

Additional Solutions

There are other ways to avoid variable leaking, such as using:

  • foreach loops instead of for loops, which can help avoid variable capturing.
  • Anonymous objects to capture the current value, like this: expressions.Add(() => new { Value = i }.Value);
  • Expressions with a separate scope, like this: expressions.Add(Expression.Lambda>(Expression.Constant(i, typeof(int))));

Best Practices

To avoid variable leaking and ensure correct behavior when working with expression trees, follow these best practices:

  1. Use local variables to capture the current value within the loop.
  2. Avoid using the same lambda expression multiple times, as it can lead to variable leaking.
  3. Use separate scope for each lambda expression to avoid capturing external variables.
  4. Test your code thoroughly to ensure the expected behavior.


Expression trees are a powerful feature in .NET, but they can be tricky to work with. Invoking lambda during a loop can lead to variable leaking, causing unexpected behavior and bugs. By understanding how lambda expressions are implemented and following best practices, you can avoid variable leaking and ensure correct behavior in your code.

Method Example Description
Local variable int local = i; Captures the current value within the loop.
Anonymous object () => new { Value = i }.Value Captures the current value using an anonymous object.
Separate scope Expression.Lambda>(Expression.Constant(i, typeof(int))) Creates a separate scope for each lambda expression.

By following these guidelines and understanding the underlying mechanisms, you can confidently work with expression trees and lambda expressions, avoiding common pitfalls and ensuring your code behaves as expected.

Frequently Asked Question

If you’re struggling with expression trees and lambda expressions, you’re not alone! Here are some frequently asked questions and answers to help you overcome common hurdles.

What happens when I invoke a lambda expression during a loop and why do I get variable leaking issues?

When you invoke a lambda expression during a loop, the lambda expression captures the variable from the outer scope, which can lead to variable leaking issues. This is because the lambda expression does not create a new copy of the variable; instead, it captures a reference to the original variable. As a result, when the loop iterates, the lambda expression continues to reference the original variable, causing unexpected behavior.

How can I avoid variable leaking issues when invoking lambda expressions during a loop?

To avoid variable leaking issues, you can create a local copy of the variable within the loop and capture that local copy in the lambda expression. This ensures that each iteration of the loop creates a new copy of the variable, which is then captured by the lambda expression. Alternatively, you can use a `foreach` loop instead of a `for` loop, which can help to avoid variable capturing issues.

What is the difference between capturing a variable by value and capturing a variable by reference in a lambda expression?

When a lambda expression captures a variable by value, it creates a new copy of the variable at the time of capture. On the other hand, when a lambda expression captures a variable by reference, it captures a reference to the original variable. Capturing by value ensures that the lambda expression has its own copy of the variable, whereas capturing by reference can lead to variable leaking issues.

Can I use a `foreach` loop to iterate over a collection and invoke a lambda expression for each item?

Yes, you can use a `foreach` loop to iterate over a collection and invoke a lambda expression for each item. The `foreach` loop creates a new iteration variable for each iteration, which is then captured by the lambda expression. This approach can help to avoid variable leaking issues that can occur when using a `for` loop.

Are there any best practices for working with expression trees and lambda expressions?

Yes, one best practice is to avoid capturing variables from the outer scope whenever possible. Instead, create a local copy of the variable within the loop or use a `foreach` loop to iterate over the collection. Additionally, be mindful of the difference between capturing variables by value and capturing variables by reference, and choose the approach that best suits your needs.

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