Trigger an Internal API while Creating Superset Users: A Step-by-Step Guide
Image by Cuhtahlatah -

Trigger an Internal API while Creating Superset Users: A Step-by-Step Guide

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Are you tired of manually provisioning users in your Superset instance? Do you wish there was a way to automate the process and integrate it with your internal API? Well, you’re in luck! In this article, we’ll show you how to trigger an internal API while creating Superset users. Buckle up, folks, and let’s dive into the world of automation!

What You’ll Need

Before we begin, make sure you have the following:

  • A Superset instance set up and running
  • An internal API that you want to trigger when creating Superset users
  • Basic knowledge of Python and Superset’s security features

Understanding Superset’s Security Features

Superset provides a robust security framework that allows you to manage access and authentication for your users. One of the key features is the ability to create custom security managers. A security manager is responsible for authenticating and authorizing users, as well as provisioning them in the system. We’ll leverage this feature to trigger our internal API when creating Superset users.

Creating a Custom Security Manager

To create a custom security manager, you’ll need to define a class that inherits from Superset’s `SecurityManager` class. This class will contain the logic for triggering your internal API when creating users.

from import SecurityManager

class CustomSecurityManager(SecurityManager):
    def __init__(self, app):
        super(CustomSecurityManager, self).__init__(app)

    def create_user(self, username, password, email, first_name, last_name):
        # Call the internal API to provision the user
        internal_api_url = ''
        internal_api_key = 'your-internal-api-key'

        headers = {'Authorization': f'Bearer {internal_api_key}'}
        data = {'username': username, 'email': email}

        response =, headers=headers, json=data)

        if response.status_code == 200:
            # If the API call is successful, create the user in Superset
            user = self.get_user(username)
            if not user:
                user = self.create_user(username, password, email, first_name, last_name)
                return user
                return user
            # If the API call fails, raise an exception
            raise Exception('Failed to provision user in internal API')

Configuring Superset to Use the Custom Security Manager

Once you’ve defined your custom security manager, you need to configure Superset to use it. You can do this by adding the following lines to your `` file:

from custom_security_manager import CustomSecurityManager


Restart your Superset instance to apply the changes.

Triggering the Internal API when Creating Users

Now that you’ve configured Superset to use your custom security manager, let’s create a user and see the magic happen!

To create a user in Superset, navigate to the `Users` page and click the `Create` button. Fill in the required fields, such as `Username`, `Email`, and `Password`, and click `Create`.

Behind the scenes, your custom security manager will trigger your internal API to provision the user. If the API call is successful, the user will be created in Superset and you’ll see a success message.

Debugging Tips

If you encounter any issues while creating users or triggering your internal API, here are some debugging tips:

  • Check the Superset logs for any errors or exceptions related to the custom security manager or API calls.
  • Use a tool like Postman or cURL to test the internal API endpoint and verify that it’s working correctly.
  • Enable debug mode in Superset by setting `DEBUG=True` in your `` file.

Benefits of Automating User Provisioning

By automating user provisioning in Superset, you can:

  • Reduce manual errors and improve efficiency
  • Streamline the onboarding process for new users
  • Enhance security by minimizing the risk of human error
  • Scale your Superset instance to meet the needs of your growing organization

And there you have it, folks! With this guide, you’ve successfully triggered an internal API while creating Superset users. Pat yourself on the back and take a moment to appreciate the beauty of automation.


In conclusion, triggering an internal API while creating Superset users is a powerful way to automate user provisioning and enhance security. By following this guide, you’ve taken the first step towards streamlining your user management process and unlocking the full potential of Superset.

Remember to stay tuned for more articles on Superset and automation, and don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or need further assistance.

Keyword Explanation
Trigger Automatically initiate an action or process
Internal API A private API that’s only accessible within an organization
Superset Users Users created in a Superset instance with specific roles and permissions
Security Manager A class responsible for authenticating and authorizing users in Superset

Happy automating, and we’ll see you in the next article!

Frequently Asked Question

Get clarity on triggering an internal API while creating Superset users with our concise FAQ section!

Can I trigger an internal API while creating Superset users?

Yes, you can trigger an internal API while creating Superset users by utilizing the `post_creation_hook` feature in Superset. This feature allows you to execute a custom Python function after a user is created, perfect for triggering an internal API!

What is the purpose of the `post_creation_hook` feature in Superset?

The `post_creation_hook` feature in Superset is designed to enable administrators to perform custom actions after a user is created, such as triggering an internal API, sending a welcome email, or adding the user to a specific group.

How do I configure the `post_creation_hook` feature in Superset?

To configure the `post_creation_hook` feature in Superset, you need to create a custom Python function and register it in your Superset configuration file. The function will receive the newly created user object as an argument, allowing you to customize the API call or any other action you want to perform.

Can I pass custom data to the `post_creation_hook` function in Superset?

Yes, you can pass custom data to the `post_creation_hook` function in Superset by using the `extra` parameter when creating a user. This allows you to provide additional context or information that can be used in the custom function.

Are there any security considerations when using the `post_creation_hook` feature in Superset?

Yes, when using the `post_creation_hook` feature in Superset, it’s essential to ensure that the custom function is properly secured and validated to prevent potential security vulnerabilities. Always follow best practices for securing API calls and user data handling.

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