Testing Spring Kafka Listener in Spring Boot Test with EmbeddedKafka: A Comprehensive Guide
Image by Cuhtahlatah - hkhazo.biz.id

Testing Spring Kafka Listener in Spring Boot Test with EmbeddedKafka: A Comprehensive Guide

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Are you tired of manually testing your Spring Kafka listeners every time you make changes to your code? Do you want to ensure that your listeners are working as expected without having to set up a full-fledged Kafka cluster? Look no further! In this article, we’ll explore how to test Spring Kafka listeners in Spring Boot tests using EmbeddedKafka, a powerful tool that allows you to run Kafka in-memory for testing purposes.

Why Test Spring Kafka Listeners?

Testing Spring Kafka listeners is crucial to ensure that your application is functioning as expected. Here are some reasons why testing is essential:

  • Ensure Message Consumption**: Verify that your listeners are consuming messages correctly from Kafka topics.
  • Validate Message Processing**: Test that your listeners are processing messages correctly and producing the expected output.
  • Detect Bugs Early**: Catch bugs and errors early in the development cycle, reducing the risk of downstream issues.
  • Improve Code Quality**: Writing tests for your listeners ensures that your code is robust, maintainable, and follows best practices.

Setting Up EmbeddedKafka

To get started with testing Spring Kafka listeners using EmbeddedKafka, you’ll need to add the following dependencies to your Spring Boot project:


Next, create a test configuration class that enables EmbeddedKafka:

public class KafkaTestConfig {
  public EmbeddedKafkaBroker embeddedKafkaBroker() {
    return new EmbeddedKafkaBroker(1);
  public KafkaTemplate<String, String> kafkaTemplate() {
    return new KafkaTemplate<>(new DefaultKafkaProducerFactory<>(embeddedKafkaBroker()));

Writing Tests for Spring Kafka Listeners

Now that you have EmbeddedKafka set up, let’s write some tests for your Spring Kafka listeners. Assume you have a listener that consumes messages from a topic called “my_topic”:

public class MyListener {
  @KafkaListener(topics = "my_topic")
  public void onMessage(String message) {
    // process message

Create a test class that injects the `MyListener` instance and the `KafkaTemplate`:

@SpringBootTest(classes = {KafkaTestConfig.class, MyListener.class})
public class MyListenerTest {
  private MyListener myListener;
  private KafkaTemplate<String, String> kafkaTemplate;
  public void setUp() {
  public void testOnMessage() {
    // send a message to the topic
    kafkaTemplate.send("my_topic", "Hello, World!");
    // verify that the message was processed correctly
    // ...

Testing Message Consumption

In the `testOnMessage()` method, you can verify that the message was consumed correctly by checking the output of your listener. For example, if your listener writes the message to a database, you can check that the message was inserted correctly:

public void testOnMessage() {
  // send a message to the topic
  kafkaTemplate.send("my_topic", "Hello, World!");
  // verify that the message was inserted into the database
  List<String> messages = dbContext.getMessageRepository().findAll();
  assertThat(messages).contains("Hello, World!");

Testing Message Processing

To test that your listener is processing messages correctly, you can use a mock object to verify that the expected method was called:

public void testOnMessage() {
  // create a mock object for the message processor
  MessageProcessor messageProcessor = mock(MessageProcessor.class);
  // set the mock object on the listener
  // send a message to the topic
  kafkaTemplate.send("my_topic", "Hello, World!");
  // verify that the message processor was called with the correct argument
  verify(messageProcessor).processMessage("Hello, World!");

Advanced Testing Techniques

In addition to testing message consumption and processing, you can also test more advanced scenarios, such as:

Testing Error Handling

To test error handling, you can simulate an exception being thrown by your listener and verify that the error is handled correctly:

public void testOnError() {
  // set up an error scenario
  when(myListener.onError(any())).thenThrow(new RuntimeException("Error!"));
  // send a message to the topic
  kafkaTemplate.send("my_topic", "Hello, World!");
  // verify that the error was handled correctly
  // ...

Testing Concurrency

To test concurrency, you can use multiple threads to send messages to the topic and verify that the messages are processed correctly:

public void testConcurrency() {
  // create multiple threads to send messages
  ExecutorService executor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(5);
  for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
    executor.submit(() -> kafkaTemplate.send("my_topic", "Message " + i));
  // verify that all messages were processed correctly
  // ...


In this article, we’ve covered how to test Spring Kafka listeners using EmbeddedKafka in Spring Boot tests. By following these instructions, you can ensure that your listeners are working correctly and reduce the risk of downstream issues. Remember to test message consumption, processing, and advanced scenarios like error handling and concurrency to ensure that your listeners are robust and reliable.

Benefits of Testing Spring Kafka Listeners Description
Ensure Message Consumption Verify that your listeners are consuming messages correctly from Kafka topics.
Validate Message Processing Test that your listeners are processing messages correctly and producing the expected output.
Detect Bugs Early Catch bugs and errors early in the development cycle, reducing the risk of downstream issues.
Improve Code Quality Writing tests for your listeners ensures that your code is robust, maintainable, and follows best practices.

By testing your Spring Kafka listeners, you can ensure that your application is functioning as expected and reduce the risk of errors and downtime. Happy testing!

Frequently Asked Questions

Get answers to your burning questions about testing Spring Kafka Listener in Spring Boot test with EmbeddedKafka!

How do I set up EmbeddedKafka in my Spring Boot test?

To set up EmbeddedKafka in your Spring Boot test, you need to add the following dependency to your pom.xml file: `
`. Then, you can use the `@EmbeddedKafka` annotation on your test class to enable EmbeddedKafka.

How do I send a message to a Kafka topic using EmbeddedKafka?

You can send a message to a Kafka topic using EmbeddedKafka by using the `KafkaTemplate` class. You need to inject the `KafkaTemplate` instance into your test class and use its `send()` method to send a message to the desired topic.

How do I verify that a message was consumed by a Spring Kafka Listener?

You can verify that a message was consumed by a Spring Kafka Listener by using a test annotation like `@ DEALINGSize` on the listener method. This will allow you to check the message was processed correctly.

Can I use EmbeddedKafka with a Spring Boot test using JUnit 5?

Yes, you can use EmbeddedKafka with a Spring Boot test using JUnit 5. You just need to add the `spring-kafka-test` dependency to your pom.xml file and use the `@EmbeddedKafka` annotation on your test class. Make sure to use the correct annotations for JUnit 5, such as `@ExtendWith` instead of `@RunWith`.

How do I debug issues with my Spring Kafka Listener test using EmbeddedKafka?

You can debug issues with your Spring Kafka Listener test using EmbeddedKafka by enabling debug logging for Kafka and Spring Kafka. You can also use the `KafkaTemplate` to inspect the messages sent to the topic and verify that they are being consumed correctly.

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