Add-Headers Multiline in Nginx: The Ultimate Guide to Debugging HTTP/2 Errors
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Add-Headers Multiline in Nginx: The Ultimate Guide to Debugging HTTP/2 Errors

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Are you struggling to debug HTTP/2 errors in your Nginx server? One of the most common issues is the inability to add headers in a multiline format, leading to frustrating error messages. Fear not, dear developer, for we’ve got you covered! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll dive into the world of Nginx and HTTP/2, exploring the mystical realm of add-headers multiline and how to troubleshoot those pesky errors.

What’s the Problem with Add-Headers Multiline?

The `add-header` directive in Nginx allows you to append custom headers to your HTTP responses. However, when working with HTTP/2, things get a bit more complicated. The HTTP/2 protocol requires headers to be sent in a single packet, which can lead to issues when trying to add multiple headers using the `add-header` directive.

http {
    server {
        listen 443 ssl http2;
        add_header X-Custom-Header "Value 1";
        add_header X-Custom-Header "Value 2";

In the example above, you might expect the `X-Custom-Header` to be added twice, but unfortunately, this will result in an error. The reason is that HTTP/2 requires headers to be concatenated into a single string, separated by commas.

The Solution: Using the `http2` Directive

To overcome this limitation, you can use the `http2` directive, which allows you to specify custom headers in a multiline format.

http {
    server {
        listen 443 ssl http2;
        http2 {
            add_header X-Custom-Header "Value 1", "Value 2";

By wrapping your custom headers within the `http2` block, Nginx will concatenate the values correctly, allowing you to add multiple headers in a single directive.

Multiple Values, Single Header

What if you need to add multiple values to a single header? No worries! The `http2` directive allows you to separate values using commas.

http {
    server {
        listen 443 ssl http2;
        http2 {
            add_header X-Custom-Header "Value 1, Value 2, Value 3";

In this example, the `X-Custom-Header` will be added with three values: “Value 1”, “Value 2”, and “Value 3”.

Troubleshooting HTTP/2 Errors

Now that you’ve mastered the art of adding custom headers, let’s dive into troubleshooting common HTTP/2 errors that might arise.

Error: “HTTP/2 header size exceeds maximum allowed size”

This error occurs when the total size of your headers exceeds the maximum allowed size, which is 4KB by default.

Header Size Limit Description
4KB (default) The default header size limit in HTTP/2.
8KB A common increased limit for larger headers.
16KB An even larger limit for extreme cases.

To increase the header size limit, you can use the `http2_max_header_size` directive.

http {
    server {
        listen 443 ssl http2;
        http2_max_header_size 8k;

Error: “HTTP/2 invalid header block”

This error occurs when there’s an issue with the header block, such as invalid characters or formatting.

http {
    server {
        listen 443 ssl http2;
        http2 {
            add_header X-Custom-Header "Invalid; Character";

In this example, the semicolon (`;`) is an invalid character in HTTP/2 headers. To fix this, ensure that your header values are properly formatted and follow the HTTP/2 specification.

Error: “HTTP/2 stream closed”

This error occurs when the HTTP/2 stream is closed due to an invalid or corrupted header.

http {
    server {
        listen 443 ssl http2;
        http2 {
            add_header X-Custom-Header " Very; Long; Header; Value";

In this example, the header value is too long and will cause the HTTP/2 stream to close. To fix this, ensure that your header values are within the allowed size limit and properly formatted.


In conclusion, adding custom headers in a multiline format using the `http2` directive is a crucial aspect of working with Nginx and HTTP/2. By following the guidelines outlined in this article, you’ll be able to troubleshoot common errors and ensure that your HTTP/2 implementation is robust and efficient.

Remember to:

  • Use the `http2` directive to concatenate custom headers.
  • Separate multiple values using commas.
  • Increase the header size limit if necessary.
  • Ensure proper formatting and follow the HTTP/2 specification.

By mastering these techniques, you’ll be well on your way to becoming an Nginx and HTTP/2 expert. Happy debugging!

Additional Resources

For further reading and learning, here are some additional resources:

  1. Nginx HTTP/2 Module Documentation
  2. HTTP/2 Specification
  3. Nginx Troubleshooting Guide

We hope you found this article informative and helpful in your Nginx and HTTP/2 journey. Happy coding!

Frequently Asked Question

Having trouble with add-headers multiline in Nginx showing an error with HTTP/2? We’ve got you covered! Check out these frequently asked questions and answers to get back on track!

Why does my Nginx configuration fail when I try to add multiple headers with the add-header directive?

The add-header directive in Nginx can only be used to add a single header at a time. If you need to add multiple headers, you’ll need to use the add-header directive multiple times, once for each header. This is because the add-header directive only allows a single value to be specified.

How do I correctly specify multiple headers using the add-header directive in Nginx?

To specify multiple headers, you’ll need to use the add-header directive multiple times, like so: `add-header X-Header-1 “value1”; add-header X-Header-2 “value2”;`. This will add both X-Header-1 and X-Header-2 to the response.

Why do I get an error when trying to use the add-header directive with HTTP/2?

HTTP/2 has stricter requirements for header formatting than HTTP/1.1, which can cause issues when using the add-header directive. Specifically, HTTP/2 requires that all headers be specified in a single block, which can be a challenge when using the add-header directive. To avoid this issue, consider using the `http2_headers` directive instead, which allows you to specify multiple headers in a single block.

What’s the difference between the add-header and http2_headers directives in Nginx?

The main difference between the add-header and http2_headers directives is that the add-header directive is used to add a single header to the response, whereas the http2_headers directive is used to specify multiple headers in a single block, specifically for HTTP/2. The http2_headers directive is a more flexible and powerful way to specify headers, especially when working with HTTP/2.

How can I troubleshoot issues with add-headers multiline in Nginx and HTTP/2?

To troubleshoot issues with add-headers multiline in Nginx and HTTP/2, start by checking the Nginx error logs for any errors or warnings related to the add-header or http2_headers directives. You can also try testing your configuration using tools like `nginx -t` or `curl` to see how the headers are being sent. Additionally, consider using a tool like `nghttp` to test your HTTP/2 configuration and identify any issues.

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